1. Ya. M. Kabak, Byull. éksper. biol., 1 6, 422 (1936).
2. V. P. Konoplev and N. D. Lagova,Ibid, 7, 79 (1960).
3. V. P. Konoplev and N. D. Lagova,Ibid., 4, 91 (1963).
4. N. D. Lagova and V. I. Samoilov, Proc. Eighth International Cancer Congress, Moscow, 6 (1963), p. 358.
5. N. I. Lazarev, O. V. Svyatukhina, and K. S. Sharoukhova, Abstr. of Papers, Conf. of the Inst. of Exper. Pathol. and Cancer Therapy, Moscow (1957), p. 32.