1. H. Johnson, W. Clabaugh, and J. Hartnett, Trans. ASME76, 4, 505 (1954).
2. W. Harrison and J. Menke, Trans. ASME71, 797 (1949).
3. N. I. Buleev, Collection: Heat-Exchange Problems [in Russian] (Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1959), p. 208.
4. S. S. Kutateladze et al., Liquid Metal Heat-Transfer Media (Supplement No. 2 to the journal Atomnaya Énergiya) [in Russian] (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1958) p. 57.
5. M. A. Styrikovich, I. E. Semenovker, and A. R. Sorin, Sovetskoe Kotloturbostroenie9, 316 (1940); Zhur. Tekhn. Fiz.16, 10, 1324 (1940).