1. Tinbergen, J. (1927), ?Over de mathematies-statistiese methoden voor konjunktuuronderzoek? (On the Mathematical-statistical Methods for Business-cycle Research),De Economist, 76, pp. 711?723 (in Dutch).
2. Tinbergen, J. (1928), ?nl roulering in het werklozenleger? (The Circulation Among the Unemployed),De Economist, 77, pp. 772?782 (in Dutch).
3. Tinbergen, J. (1929?1), ?Het ekonomiese getij? (The Economic Tide),De Socialistische Gids, XIV, pp. 849?858 (in Dutch).
4. Tinbergen, J. (1929?2),Minimumproblemen in de natuurkunde en de ekonomie (Minimum Problems in Physics and Economics), Amsterdam (in Dutch).
5. Tinbergen, J. (1930), ?Het verband tusschen den aardappeloogst en den prijs en den uitvoer van aardappelmeel? (The Relation between Potato Crop and the Price and Export of Potato Flour),De Nederlandsche Conjunctuur, 1, pp. 18?26 (in Dutch).