1. Clouston PD, DeAngelis LM, Posner JB: The spectrum of neurological disease in patients with systemic cancer. Ann Neurol 1992, 31:268–273.
2. Patchell R: Brain metastases. Handbook of Neurology 1997, 25:135–149. This a good review of the management of brain metastases.
3. Wen PY, Loeffler JS: Management of brain metastases. Oncology 1999, 13:941–961. This is a recent overview of the management of brain metastases.
4. Davey P: Brain metastases. Curr Probl Cancer 1999, 23:59–98.
5. Posner JB: Intracranial metastases. In Neurologic Complications of Cancer. Philadelphia: FA Davis; 1995:77–110.