1. Brauer, W.: Informatics and computer science in education, in: D.C. Johnson, F. Lovis (eds.) North-Holland, Amsterdam etc. 1987, pp. 101–107
2. Brauer, W.: Carl Adam Petri and Informatics, in: K. Voss, H.J. Genrich, G. Rozenberg (eds): Concurrency and Nets, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc.. 1987, pp. 13–21.
3. Brauer, W.: Education and Informatics, Preface to: R.E. Lewis, E.D. Tagg (eds.): Informatics and Education, An Anthology of Papers Selected from IFIP TC3 Publications since the Establishment of TC3 in 1963, North-Holland, Amsterdam etc. 1988, pp xi–xiii.
4. Brauer, W., Brauer, U.: Better tools — less education?, in: G.X. Ritter (ed) Information Processing 89, North-Holland, Amsterdam etc.. 1990, pp 101–106.
5. Brauer, W.: Von der sequentiellen zur parallelen Verarbeitung, HMD — Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 25. Jahrgang, Heft 150, Nov. 1989, pp. 15–25.