1. Grießhammer, R.;Bunke, D.;Gensch, C.-O. (1997): Produktlinienanalyse Waschen und Waschmittel. öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg, Forschungsbericht 102 07 202, UBA-FB 97–009. UBA-Texte 1/97, Berlin
2. Janzen, D. (1995): Methodology of the European Surfactant LCI Study. Tenside Surf. Det. 32, 110–121 (see also other contributions in the same volume)
3. Klopffer, W.;Grießhammer, R.;Sundström, G. (1995): Overview of the Scientific Peer Review of the European Life Cycle Inventory for Surfactant Production. Tenside Surf. Det. 32, 378–383
4. Fawer, M. (1996): Life Cycle Inventory for the Production of Zeolite A for Detergents. EMPA, Ecology Section. Commissioned by ZEODET, a sector group of CEFIC. EMPA-Report No. 234, St. Gallen
5. Fawer, M. (1997): Life Cycle Inventories for the Production of Sodium Silicates. Report by Eidgenösische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt, St. Gallen to the “Centre Européen d’Etude des Silicates (CEES)” A Sector Group of CEFIC Bruxelles EMPA-Report No. 241, St. Gallen