1. Vigness, I., “Shock Testing Machines,”Shock and Vibration Handbook,2,McGraw-Hill Book Co.,26–1 to 26-24,1961.
2. Belsheim, R. O., “Delayed-Yield Time Effect in Mild Steel under Oscillatory Axial Loads,” Naval Rsch. Lab., Rpt. 4312, (March 22, 1954).
3. Clements, E. W., “Properties of Bolts Under Shock Loading,” Naval Rsch. Lab. Rpt. 4817, (Sept. 17, 1956).
4. Smith, R. C., “Studies of the Affect of Dynamic Preloads on the Mechanical Properties of Steel,” Naval Rsch. Lab. Rpt. 5323, (May 29, 1959).
5. Vigness, I., Seibert, E. R., and Forkois, H. M., “Effect of Chamfered Holes on the Resistance of Bolts and Dowels to Shock Loads in Shearm,” Naval Rsch. Lab. Rpt. 5795 (July 9, 1962).