1. K. H. Eckelmeyer, “Microstructural Control in Dilute Uranium Alloys,” Microstructural Science 7, 133–145 (1979).
2. K. H. Eckelmeyer, “The Potential of Thermomechanical Processing of Dilute Uranium Alloys,” Proceedings of the Second Charlottesville Conference on High Density Penetrator Materials, to be published.
3. A. M. Ammons, “Precipitation Hardening In Uranium-Rich Uranium-Titanium Alloys,” in J. J. Burke, et. al., eds., Physical Metallurgy of Uranium Alloys, pp. 511-586, Brook Hill (1976).
4. K. H. Eckelmeyer, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, unpublished data, 1972.
5. N. J. Magnani, “The Effects of Environment, Orientation, and Strength Level on the Stress Corrosion Behavior of U-0.75 wt.% Ti,” J. Nucl. Mat’ls 54, 108–116 (1974).