1. Robert H. Coombs and Fawzy I. Fawzy, “The Effect of Marital Status on Stress in Medical School,” American Journal of Psychiatry 139 (November 1982), 1490–1493.
2. John P. Tokarz, W. Bremer, and K. Peters, Beyond Survival (Chicago: American Medical Association, 1979).
3. Norman Cousins, “Internship: Preparation or Hazing?” Journal of the American Medical Association 245 (1981), 377.
4. David B. Reuben, “Psychologic Effects of Residency,” Southern Medical Journal 76 (March 1983), 380–383.
5. Cynthia L. Janus, Samuel S. Janus, Susan Price, and David Adler, “Residents: The Pressure’s on the Women,” Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 38 (1983), 18–21.