1. Caplan, Frank and D. W. Camp (1968). High resolution balloon-borne temperature sensor. Proceedings, Third National Confere,ice on Aerospace Meteorology. ( American Meteorological Society, Boston).
2. Daniels, Glenn E., James R. Scoggins and Orvel E. Smith (1966). Terrestrial environment (climatic) criteria guidelines for use in space vehicle development, 1966 revision. NASA Technical Memorandum, NASA TM X - 53328.
3. Danielsen, E. F. (1965). Properties of shear-gravity and inertial-gravity waves. Paper presented at joint AMS/AAAS meeting, Riverside, California.
4. Danielsen, E. F. and R. T. Duquet (1966). A comparison of FPS-16 and GMD-1 measurements and methods for processing wind data. Final Report NASA Contractor Report CR-61158.
5. De Mandel, R. E. (1968). An investigation of the mesoscale structure of upper air winds measured with the FPS16/Jimsphere system. Proceedings, Third National Conference on Aerospace Meteorology. ( American Meteorological Society, Boston).