1. U.S. Federal Register, Vol. 37, No. 221, November 15 (1972); Vol. 38, No. 124, June (1973); Vol. 40, part 86, June 30 (1975).
2. Kruse, R., and Huls, T., “Development of the Federal Urban Driving Schedule,” SAE paper 730553, May (1973).
3. Austin, T., Hellman, K., and Paulsell, C., “Passenger Car Fuel Economy During Non-Urban Driving,” SAE paper 740592, August (1974).
4. Oetting, H., “Impact of Emission Standards on Fuel Economy and Consumer Attributes,” SAE paper 790230, February (1979).
5. Brownson, D., Johnson, R., and Candelise, A., “A Progress Report on Man-Air-Ox, Manifold Air Oxidation of Exhaust Gas,” SAE paper 486-N, March (1962).