1. D. Anderton and J. M. Baker, “Influence of Operating Cycle on Noise of Diesel Engines”. S.A.E. Paper 730241, (1973).
2. T. Priede, E. C. Grover and N. Lalor, “Relation between Noise and Basic Structural Vibration of Diesel Engines”. S.A.E. Paper 690450, (1969).
3. J. A. Raff and E. C. Grover, “A Primary Noise Generation Mechanism in Petrol Engines”. Inst. Mech. Engrs. Conference on Passenger Car Engines, Paper C320/73, (1973).
4. S. D. Haddad, H. L. Pullen and T. Priede, “Relation between Combustion and Mechanically Induced Noise in Automotive Diesel Engines”. FISITA Conference, Paris, Paper A-2-4, (1974).
5. D. Anderton, “Combustion as a Source of Diesel Engine Noise”. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southampton, (1974).