1. P.A. Crossley, G.I. Noel and M. Wolf, Final Report NASW 1427 (1968).
2. A.G. Stanley, in:Applied Solid State Science, Vol. 5, Academic Press, Inc., New York (1975), p. 251.
3. R. Hill, in:Active and Passive Thin Film Devices (Ed., T.J. Coutts ), Academic Press, London (1978), p. 487.
4. M. Savelli and J. Bougnot, in:Solar Energy Conversion, Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 31 (Ed., B.O. Seraphin ), Springer-Verlag, New York (1979).
5. Proc. Int. Workshop CdS Solar Cells and Other Abrupt Heterojunctions(Eds., K.W. Boer and J.D. Meakin), University of Delaware (1975).