1. J. Śniatycki and G. Schwarz, The existence and uniqueness of solutions of Yang-Mills equations with the bag boundary conditions, Commun. Math. Phys. 159: 593–304 (1994)
2. J. Śniatycki and G. Schwarz, An invariant argument for confinement, Rep. Math. Phys. (to appear)
3. G. Schwarz and J. Śniatycki, Yang-Mills and Dirac fields in a bag, existence and uniqueness results, Commun. Math. Phys. (to appear)
4. J. Śniatycki, G. Schwarz and L. Bates, Yang-Mills and Dirac fields in a bag, constraints and reduction, submitted to Commun. Math. Phys.
5. G. Schwarz and J. Śniatycki, Yang-Mills and Dirac fields in the Minkowski space-time, in preparation