1. K.W. Blake and N. Knudtzon, “Comparison of propagation predictions and measured performance for two paths over the Norwegian Sea”, Record of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Ionospheric Radio Communications in the Arctic, these proceedings.
2. G.W. Jull, D.J. Doyle, G.W. Irvine and J.P. Murray, “Frequency sounding techniques for HF communications over auroral zone paths”, Proc. IRE, July 1962, pp 1676–1682.
3. D.G. Brennan, “Linear diversity combining techniques”, Proc. IRE, June 1959, pp 1075–1102.
4. J.R. Pierce, “Theoretical diversity improvement in frequency-shift keying”, Proc. IRE, May 1958, pp 903–910.
5. N. Hveding, “Comparison of digital modulation and detection techniques for a low-power transportable troposcatter system”, Conference Record of First IEEE Annual Communications Convention 1965, pp 691–695.