1. CRAIG, R. Ann. Rev. Entom.,5, (1960), 53–68 (excretion in insects: review)
2. CROMARTIE, R. I. T. Ann. Rev. Entom.,4, (1959) 59–76 (insect pigments: review)
3. MADDRELL, S. H. P. Adv. Insect Physiol.,8, (1971), 200–331 (insect excretion: review)
4. SHAW, j. and sTOBBART, R. H. Physiology of Insecta, III (Morris Rockstein, Ed.) Academic Press, New York, 1964, 190–258 (excretion: salt and water balance)
5. WIGGLESWORTH, V. B. The Principles of Insect Physiology 7th Edn. Chapman and Hall, London, 1972, 553–592 (excretion)