1. P. G. Watson, Between the Planets, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1956.
2. F. L. Whipple, Physics and Medicine of the Upper Atmosphere, The University of New Mexico Press, New Mexico, 1958.
3. B. Yu. Levin, Fizicheskaya teoriya meteorov i meteornoe veshchestvo v solnechnoi sisteme (Physical Theory of Meteors and Meteoric Matter in the Solar System), U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Press, Moscow, 1956.
4. V. G. Fesenkov, Meteornaya materiya v mezhplanetnom prostranstve (Meteoric Matter in Interplanetary Space), U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Press, Moscow, 1947.
5. A. C. B. Lovell, Meteor Astronomy, Oxford University Press, London, 1954.