1. This may not be a well known English expression, but it seems appropriate, see Lord MacKenzie Stuart. The European Communities and the Rule of Law, Hamlyn Lectures Stevens 1977, pp. 2–4.
2. Henry G. Schermers, International Institutional Law, Vol. 2, Sijthoff 1972. Chapter Eight (pp. 458–536).
3. See also Helmut Strebel, Quellen des Völkerrechts als Rechtsordnung, 36 Zaörv (1976), pp. 301–346.
4. Walter Ganshof van der Meersch, L’ordre juridique des Communautés européennes et le droit international, 148 RdC (1975V), pp. 1–433.
5. On the Community legal order see Riccardo Monaco, The Limits of the European Community Order, 1 ELRev. (1976), pp. 269–281.