1. René Prosper Blondlot died, at Nancy, in 1930.
2. Anonymous (1907). “Science and Accuracy”. The Spectator, Volume 99, issue of October 12, page 520.
3. Blondlot, R. (1903–1905). “On the Polarization of X Rays”, Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences,Volume 136, pages 284–288; “A New Species of Light”, ibid.,pages 735–738; and many other papers.
4. Blondlot, R. (1904). Explanations and Statements Concerning N-Rays: A Reply to Prof. Wood“. Scientific American Supplement, Volume 58, issue of December 17, p. 24211.
5. Blondlot, R. (1905). “N” Rays, translated by J. Garcin, Longmans, Green and Co., London.