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2. Levi, J. N. (1982). Linguistics, Language, and Law: A Topical Bibliography. Bloom-ington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club. (Out of print)
3. Levi, J. N. (1985). Rights of linguistic minorities in the United States: An introductory bibliography. Language Planning Newsletter, 11(3), 2–5.
4. Danet, B. (1980). Language in the legal process. In R. L. Abel (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Law and Social Science (special issue of Law and Society Review). Law and Society Review, 24(3) 445–564.
5. Levi, J. N. (1985). Applications of linguistics to the language of legal interactions. In P. Bjarkman & V. Raskin (Eds.), The Real-World Linguist: Applications of Linguistics in the 1980s (pp. 230–265). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.