1. L. Holland, “Vacuum Deposition of Thin Films,” John Wiley 8s Sons, Inc., New York, 1956, p. 233. See sections on “Conduction in Very Thin Films” and “Mean Free Path of Conduction Electrons.”
2. D. A. Powers and A. Von Hippel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Insulation Research. Progress Reports show consistent breakdown strengths between 50 and 200 Mv/cm for film thicknesses between 700 and 4000 A using alumino silicate glass.
3. W. P. Dyke and W. W. Dolan, “Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics,” Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1956, Vol. VIII, p. 153. See the discussion on field emission cathode blunting.
4. E. Mueller, “Handbuch der Physik,” Springer—Verlag, Berlin, 1956, Vol. 21, p. 202.
5. V. E. Cosslett, A. Engstrom, and H. H. Pattee, “X-Ray Microscopy and Microradiography,” Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1957, p. 336.