1. Department of Transport, “Road Accidents Great Britain 1977,” Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1978.
2. D. Sheppard, “The Driving Situations Which Worry Motorists,” Department of the Environment, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Supplementary Report 129UC, Crowthorne, 1975.
3. G. Leitch, et al, “Report of the Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment,” Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 103-105, 1977.
4. B. E. Sabey and P. J. Codling, “Alcohol and Road Accidents in Great Britain,” presented to the 6th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Toronto, 1974.
5. Anon, “Tri-level Study of the Causes of Traffic Accidents: Final Report,” DOT-HS-034-3-535-77-TAC, Washington, 1977.