1. See Smith, Artificial Insemination Redivivus, 2 J. L. Med. 113, 128-129 (1981).
2. Kritchevsky, The Unmarried Woman’s Right to Artificial Insemination: A Call for an Expanded Definition of Family, 4 Harv. Women’s L. J. 1, 26–39 (1981).
3. Annas, Fathers Anonymous: Beyond the Best Interest of the Sperm Donor, 14 Fam. L. Q. 1 1980.
4. Shaman, Legal Aspects of Artificial Insemination, 18 J. Fam. L. 330, 344-346 (1980).
5. See Smith, The Perils and Peregrinations of Surrogate Mothers, 1 Int’l J. Med. & L. 325 (1982); Comment, Surrogate Motherhood in California: Legislative Proposals, 18 San Diego L. Rev. 341 (1981).