1. Anastasiou, N.J. (1981) ‘Early Childhood Education for the Handicapped in the 1980s: Recommendations,’ Exceptional Children, 47, 4, 276–282.
2. Bellinger, D. (1980) ‘Consistency in the Pattern of Change in Mothers Speech: Some Discriminant Analyses,’ Journal of Child Language, 7, 469–487.
3. Bloom, B. (1973) One Word at a Time: The Use of Single Word Utterances Before Syntax, Mouton, The Hague.
4. Bochner, S. (1987) ‘Preparation for Preschool: Report on a Programme for Language-Delayed 3 Year Olds,’ Paper presented at a Conference “Growing into a Modern World”, Centre for Child Research, University of Trondheim, Norway, June.
5. Bochner, S., Price, P. and Salamon, L. (1982) Learning to Talk, Special Education Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney.