1. W. D. Guenzi and W. E. Beard, in: Pesticides in Soil and Water ( W. D. Guenzi, ed.), p. 107, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin (1974).
2. J. L. Montieth, Principles of Environmental Physics, Chapter 2, Elsevier, New York (1973).
3. W. F. Spencer, W. J. Farmer, and M. M. Cliath, Residue Rev. 49, 1 (1973).
4. B. E. Groenwold, F. Pereiro, T. J. Purnell, and H. B. Scher, Proceedings of the British Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, p. 185 (1980).
5. R. J. Hance, J. Holroyd, and C. E. McKone, Pestic. Sci. 4, 13 (1973).