1. Harish-Chandra, Harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups, Lecture Notes in Math. vol. 162, Springer-Verlag, 1970.
2. Harish-Chandra, Harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups, in Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces, 167–192, Amer.. Math. Soc., Providence, 1973.
3. Harish-Chandra, The characters of reductive p-adic groups, to appear in Contributions to Algebra, Academic Press, New York.
4. R. E. Howe, Kirillov theory for compact p-adic groups, 1970 (preprint).
5. R. E. Howe, Some qualitative results on the representation theory of GL(n) a p-adic field, 1972 (preprint).