1. Bacon, F., The new organon and related writings. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960. (Originally published, 1620.)
2. Baltes, P. B., & Cornelius, S. W. The status of dialectics in developmental psychology: Theoretical orientation versus scientific method. In N. Datan & H. W. Reese (Eds.), Life-span developmental psychology: Dialectical perspectives on experimental research. New York: Academic Press, 1977.
3. Basseches, M. An empirical study of dialectical thinking: What it contributes. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, September 1980.
4. Bateson, G., Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine, 1972.
5. Blumer H., Symbolic interaction. In J. P. Spradley (Ed.), Culture and cognition: Rules, maps, and plans. San Francisco: Chandler, 1972.