1. Of the deep body waves, an earthquake produces mostly shear waves—waves that involve sliding one rock past another, thus cutting, or shearing, the rock layer. Explosions produce mostly compressional waves—waves that squeeze the rock or compress it. In addition, earthquakes produce a particular type of surface wave called a Love wave,which is not produced at all by explosions.
2. Richard A. Kerr, 1987, “U.S.-Soviet seismic monitoring advances,” Science
235 (23 January), 434–435.
3. Scribner, Ralston, and Metz, 1985, p.1—see Bibliography.
4. R. Jeffrey Smith, 1983, “Scientists fault charges of Soviet cheating,” Science
220 (13 May), 695–697.
5. R. Jeffrey Smith, 1987, “Alleged Soviet treaty violations rebutted,” The Washington Post (13 February).