1. F.H.M. Faisal and J.V. Moloney, “Time Dependent Theory of Non-Hermitian Schrödinger Equation: Application to Multiphoton Ionization Decay of Atoms”, (to be published).
2. ESCOMP-European Study Conf. on Multiphoton Processes: Bénodet, France, June 18–22, Abstracts p.69 (1979). ICOMP II-Int. Conf. on Multiphoton Processes: Budapest, Hungary, April 14–18, Abstracts p. B21-22 (1980).
3. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Vol 2, in. “Cargèse Lectures in Physics”, Gordon and Breach, New York (1968).
4. H. Feshbach, Annals of Physics 5, 337 (1958).
5. I. Prigogine, “Time, Irreversibility and Structure” in “The Physicists Conception of Nature”, ed. J. Mehra, Reidel Publishing Co., Boston, pp. 561-593 (1973).