1. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1976, A Guide for Control of Laser Hazards, ACGIH, Cincinnati.
2. American National Standards Institute, 1976, The Safe Use of Lasers, Standard Z-136.1(1976), ANSI, New York (in revision, 1979).
3. Charschan, S. S. (ed.), 1972, “Lasers in Industry,” Rheinhold-Van Nostrand, New York.
4. Doxey, B. C., 1977, How a laser system engraves cylinders for printing by the flexographic process, Laser Focus
12(7):66–68 (July 1977).
5. Duley, W. W., 1976, “CO2 Lasers, Effects and Applications,” Academic Press, New York.