1. B. B. Kadomtsev, Reviews of Plasma Physics, Vol. 2, Consultants Bureau, New York (1966), p. 153.
2. W. A. Newcomb, Ann. Phys., 10:232 (1960). Transformation of the expression for the potential energy.
3. B. B. Kadomtsev, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 37:1096 (1959).
4. B. B. Kadomtsev, Sov. Phys. — JETP, 37:1096 (1959). Investigation of the perturbations of a column with Bz = 0 (§13.1).
5. B. R. Suydam, in: Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, (1958), Vol. 31, published by U.N., Geneva (1958), p. 157. Derivation of a condition of local stability of a cylindrical column (§13.2).