1. D.R. Secrist and J.D. Mackenzie, Chap. 6 in Modern Aspects of the Vitreous State, Vol. 3, Ed. by J.D. Mackenzie, Butterworths (Washington) 1964.
2. J.D. Mackenzie, The Encyclopedia of Physics, p. 769, Ed. by R. M. Besancon, Reinhold (New York) 1966.
3. D.R. Secrist and J.D. Mackenzie, J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 48, 487–91 (1965).
4. A.F. Ioffe and A.R. Regel, p. 238 in Progress in Semiconductors Vol. 4, Ed. by A.F. Gibson, Wiley (New York) 1960.
5. J.D. Mackenzie, Chap. 5 in Modern Aspects of the Vitreous State Vol. 3, Ed. by J.D. Mackenzie, Butterworths (Washington) 1964.