1. Barav, Direct and individual concern: an almost insurmountable barrier to the admissiblility of individual appeal to the EEC Court, 11 CMLRev. (1974), pp. 191–199.
2. Schemers, The Law as it stands on the Appeal for Annulment, LIEI 1975/2 (September 1975).
3. Lagrange, The non-contractural liability of the Community in the ECSC and in the EEC, 3 CMLRev. (1965-66), pp. 10–36.
4. Goffin and Mahieu, Responsabilité extracontractuelle des Communautés, 8 CDE (1972), pp. 64–92.
5. Lagrange, Réglements et responsabilité des états, 8 CDE (1972) pp. 678–691.