1. General note—Comprehensive work on mixed hard metal and refractory compounds and the underlying systems is largely due to the Plansee, Vienna, and the associated American Yonkers schools5,18,22–3,26,28,32,35,67,73 to Brewer and associates29 (more on thermodynamics); to Stadelmaier27 (constitutional), Brauer6, Aronsson79, Geach and Jones1; in Russia, the school of Samsonov21,53 is amongst those prominent in this field. Alloy steels and the underlying mixed systems, the principal other branch of mixed interstitial compounds, are studied at numerous centres.
2. L’vov, S. M., Nyenchenko, V. P. and Samsonov, G. V. Ukr. fiz. Zh. 7 (1962) 331 [TiC-TiN electrical properties—resistivity, Hall coefficients, EMF];
3. Samsonov, G. V. et al., Dopov. Akad. Nauk. URSR (1958) 838 [Magnetic susceptibilities];
4. Vainshstein, E. E. and Zhurakovskii, A. Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 140 (1961) 560 [Hardness, thermal and chemical stability of TiC-TiN, also in relation to electron structure changes];
5. Beattie, H. J. and Ver Snyder, F. R. Trans. Am. Soc. Metals 45 (1953) 397 [Alloy steel constituents bearing Ti, C and N]