1. D. Adler, Ed. , Disordered Materials: Science and Technology, Selected Papers by S.R. Ovshinsky, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Amorphous Institute Press, 1–296 (1982).
2. S.R. Ovshinsky and H. Fritzsche, “Amorphous Semiconductors for Switching, Memory, and Imaging Applications”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-20, 91 (1973).
3. S.R. Ovshinsky and I.M. Ovshinsky, “Analog Models for Information Storage and Transmission in Physiological Systems”, Mat. Res. Bull. 3, 681 (1970).
4. S.R. Ovshinsky, “The Ovshinsky Switch”, Proc. 5th Annual National Conference on Industrial Research, Chicago, 86–90 (1969). The Ovographic work was done in collaboration with P. Klose.
5. S.R. Ovshinsky, “An Introduction to Ovonic Research”, J. Noncryst. Solids 2, 99–106 (1970).