1. Advocacy Information Pack (1992) Good Practices in Mental Health, London, tel. 0171 289 2034.
2. Access to Health (1992) The tomato sauce of the health service: using advocates. Extract in Advocacy Information Pack, Good Practices in Mental Health, London.
3. Barker, I. and Peck, E. (eds) (1987) Power in Strange Places: User Empowerment in Mental Health Services, Good Practices in Mental Health, London.
4. Beliappa, J. (1991) Illness or Distress? Alternative Models of Mental Distress, Confederation of Indian Organisations, 5 Westminster Bridge Road, London SW1 7XW.
5. Bell, S. (1994 edn) Hearing Voices. Send £3 to The Inner Bookshop, 111 Magdalen Road, Oxford OX4 IRQ.