1. Glasstone, S., ed., The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, United States Atomic Energy Commission, US Govt. Printing Office, June 1957.
2. Pearse, H. E., and Kingsley, H.D., Thermal Burns from the Atomic Bomb, Rept. UR-254, The University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N.Y., April 1953.
3. Cotton, E., Grey, M.G., and Penniman, F. G., A Comparison of Bare Skin Burns Induced by Thermal Radiation from the Carbon Arc and the Solar Furnace, Rept. T-25, Radiation Physics Laboratory, QM R & E Comd, Natick, Mass., August 1959.
4. Alpen, E. L., Butler, C.P., Martin, S.B., and Davis, A. K., Effects of Spectral Distribution of Radiant Energy on Cutaneous Burn Production in Man and the Rat, USNRDL-TR-46, NM 006–015, US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, April 1955.
5. Lyon, J. L., Davis, T.P., and Pearse, H.E., Studies of Flash Burns: The Relation of Thermal Energy Applied and Exposure Time to Burn Severity, Rept. UR-394, The University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y., April 1955.