1. Allis, W.P. and Rose, D.J., 1954, Transition from Free to Ambipo-lar Diffusion,” Phys.Rev., 93:84.
2. Allis, W.P., 1956, “Research Studies on Hydrogen Thyratrons, Vol. I,” Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier. Boston.
3. Brode, R.B., 1933, The Quantitative Study of the Collision of Electrons with Atoms,” Phys. Rev.. 5:257.
4. Collidge, A.W., 1958, Progress Report on Large Ceramic Hydrogen Thyratrons, Proc. of the 5th Symposium on Hydrogen Thyratrons.:43 (also see A.S. Gilmour, 1985).
5. Cook, K.G., 1958, Hydrogen and Deuterium Filled Thyratron, Conf. Records Power Modulator Symposium,:5-15.