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2. Ziadat, G. S. and Waldron, P., Measurement of time-dependent behaviour in the River Torridge Bridge—instrumentation and early results. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, Report No. UBCE/C/87/4, October 1987.
3. Barr, B. I. G., Waldron, P. and Evans, H. R., Instrumentation of glued segmentai box girder bridges. Int. Assoc. Bridge Struct. Engng Colloquium, Bergamo, Italy, 1987, pp. 175-89.
4. Waldron, P. and Ziadat, G. S., Assessment of the long-term behaviour of segmental bridges. Proc. Inst. Struct. Engrs, Building Res. Est., Seminar on the Life of Structures, Brighton, April 1989.
5. Ziadat, G. S., Time-dependent analysis of prestressed concrete segmental bridges. PhD thesis, University of Bristol, September 1988.