1. A. P. Balachandean: EFINS 64-22, to appear inAnn. Phys.;A. P. Balachandean andF. Von Hippel: EFINS 63–67, to appear inAnn. Phys. See also,G. Frye andR. L. Warnock:Phys. Rev., 130, 478 (1963).
2. D. Bierends de Haan:Nouvelles Tables d’Intégrales Définies, Table 139 (New York, 1957).
3. J. M. Blatt andV. F. Weisskopf:Theoretical Nuclear Physics (New York, 1952), p. 56.
4. F. Zachaeiasen at the Scottish Universities’ Summer School (1963), inStrong Interactions and High-Energy Physios,E. Gr. Moorhouse Editor (Edinburgh and London, 1964).
5. Y. S. Jin andA. Martin:Phys. Rev.,135, B 1375 (1964).