1. Aluminum-Lithium Alloys, Proceedings of the First International Aluminum-Lithium Conference, Stone Mountain, GA, May 19–21, 1980, T. H. Sanders, Jr. and E. A. Starke, Jr., eds., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1981.
2. Aluminum-Lithium Alloys, Proceedings of the Second International Aluminum-Lithium Conference, Monterey, CA, April 12-14, 1983, T. H. Sanders, Jr. and E. A. Starke, Jr., eds., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1981.
3. E.A. Starke, Jr. and F.S. Lin:Metall. Trans. A, 1982, vol. 13A, p. 2259.
4. J.M. Silcock, T.J. Heal, and H.K. Hardy:J. Inst. Met., 1955–56, vol. 84, p. 23.
5. H.K. Hardy:J. Inst. Met., 1955-56, vol. 84, p. 429.