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2. Cording, J. Jr., M.J. Willard, Jr., R.K. Eskew and P.W. Edwards. 1954. Potato Flakes. A New Form of Dehydrated Mashed Potatoes. I. Pilot-Plant Process Using Double Drum Drier. U.S. Dept Agric, Agric Res Serv Circ ARS 73-2.
3. Cording, J. Jr., M.J. Willard, Jr., R.K. Eskew, P.W. Edwards and J.F. Sullivan. 1955. Potato Flakes. A New Form of Dehydrated Mashed Potatoes. II. Some Factors Influencing Texture, US Dept Agric, Agric Res Serv Circ ARS 73-9.
4. Desborough, S.L., I.E. Liener and E.C. Lulai. 1981. The Nutritional Quality of Potato Protein from Intraspecific Hybrids. Qual Plant: Plant Foods Hum Nutr 31:11–20.
5. Engineering and Development Laboratory, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division, Agr Research Service, U.S. Dept Agr 1959. Further Improvement of Texture of Reconstituted Potato Flakes by Use of Emulsifiers. US Dept Agric CA-E-17.