1. Hilado, C. J., “Screening Materials for Relative Toxicity in Fire Situations,”Modern Plastics, Vol. 54, No. 7 (July 1977), pp. 64–66, 68.
2. Hilado, C. J., Cumming, H. J., and Casey, C. J., “Relative Toxicity of Materials in Fire Situations Determined in New Testing,”Western Fire Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2 (February 1978), pp. 32–33.
3. Hilado, C. J., Cumming, H. J., and Casey, C. J., “Relative Toxicity of Materials in Fire Situations,”Modern Plastics, Vol. 55, No. 4 (April 1978), pp. 92, 94, 96.
4. Hilado, C. J., “Toxicity of Pyrolysis Gases from Materials,”SAMPE Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 3 (April 1978), pp. 14–15.
5. Hilado, C. J., and Cumming, H. J., “Relative Toxicity of Pyrolysis Gases from Materials: Effects of Chemical Composition and Test Conditions,”Fire and Materials, Vol. 2, No. 2 (April 1978), pp. 68–79.