1. H. A. BARKER, I. G. BAIRD-SMITH and F. R. JONES, Symposium on Reinforced Plastics in Anticorrosion Applications, National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, Glasgow, September 1979, paper 12.
2. R. C. ROBERTS, Reinforced Plastics Congress (BPF), Brighton, 1978, Paper 19.
3. F. R. JONES, J. W. ROCK and J. E. BAILEY,J. Mater. Sci. in press.
4. F. R. JONES, J. W. ROCK, A. R. WHEATLEY and J. E. BAILEY, in ?Progress in Science and Engineering of Composites? Vol. 2, edited by F. Hayashi, K. Kawata and S. Umekawa (ICCM-IV, Japan Society for Composite Materials, Tokyo, 1982) p. 929.
5. Idem, Reinforced Plastics Congress (BPF), Brighton, 1982, paper 32.