1. Blažek, J. and Koman, M., A minimal problem concerning complete plane graphs, in Fiedler, M. (ed.), Theory of graphs and its applications. Proc. Symp. Smolenice, 1963, Publ. House, Č.A.S., Prague, 1964, 113–117; M.R. 30(1965), #4249.
2. Blažek, J. and Koman, M., On an extremal problem concerning graphs, Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 8(1967), 49–52; M.R. 35(1968), #1506.
3. Eggleton, R.B. and Guy, R.K., The crossing number of the n-cube, Amer. Math. Soc. Notices, 17(1970), 757. A fuller version will be submitted to Canad. J. Math.
4. Eggleton, R.B. and Guy, R.K., The crossing number of the complete graph. To be submitted to J. Combinatorial Theory.
5. Fáry, I., On straight line representation of planar graphs, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 11(1948), 229–233; M.R. 10(1949), 136.