1. Hestenes, M. R.,A General Problem in the Calculus of Variations with Applications to Paths of Least Time, The RAND Corporation, Research Memorandum No. RM-100, 1950.
2. Mengel, A. S.,Optimum Trajectories, The RAND Corporation, Report No. P-199, 1951.
3. Hestenes, M. R.,Numerical Methods for Obtaining Solutions of Fixed-Endpoint Problems in the Calculus of Variations, The RAND Corporation, Research Memorandum No. RM-102, 1949.
4. Stein, M. L.,On Methods for Obtaining Solutions of Fixed-Endpoint Problems in the Calculus of Variations, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 50, No. 5, 1953.
5. Hestenes, M. R.,Iterative Computational Methods, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1955.