1. M. Sachs:Nuovo Cimento A,66, 94 (1981).
2. Particle Data Group:Rev. Mod. Phys.,56, No. 2 Part II (1984).
3. An excellent survey and bibliography of the present day electroweak gauge theory is in the respective Nobel lectures, reproduced inC. H. Lai:Gauge Theory of Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions (Singapore, 1981), bya)S. Glashow, p. 23;b)A. Salam, p. 9 andc)S. Weinberg, p. 1.
4. M. Sachs:General Relativity and Matter (Dordrecht, 1982).
5. M. Sachs:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,39, 17 (1984).