1. L. Ahlfors.Open Riemann surfaces and extremal problems on compact subregions. Comm. Math. Helv.,24, (1950), pp. 100–134.
2. S. Bernstein.Sur un théorème de géométrie et son application aux équations aux dérivées partielles du type elliptique. Comm. Soc. Math. Kharkov,15 (1915-17), pp. 38–45.
3. German translation of [2]. Math. Z.,26 (1927), pp. 551–558.
4. L. Bers.Isolated singularities of minimal surfaces. To appear in the Ann. of Math.
5. E. Hopf.On S. Bernstein’s theorem on surfaces z(x,y) of nonpositive curvature. Proc. Am. Math. Soc.,1 (1950), pp. 80–85.