1. M. R. Currie and J. R. Whinnery, Proc. IRE,43, No. 11, 1617 (1955).
2. V. M. Lopukhin and A. S. Roshal', Cathode-Ray Parametric Amplifiers [in Russian], Izd. Sov. Radio, Moscow (1968).
3. V. A. Vanke, V. M. Lopukhin, and V. L. Savvin, Usp. Fiz. Nauk,99, No. 12, 546 (1969).
4. S. Mao, Tubes pour hyperfrequencies, Proc. of Fifth Intern. Congress on Microwave Tubes (Paris, 1964), Academic Press, New York-London (1965), p. 109.
5. W. Lewisell, Coupled and Parametric Oscillations in Electronics [Russian translation], IL, Moscow (1963).