1. N. Ben Hadj-Alouane, Ph.d. thesis proposal, “Assembly of the Formal Models of Software/Hardware Components in Flexible Manufacturing Systems,” technical report, RSD-TR-11-90. Robot Systems Division, The Univeristy of Michigan, 1990.
2. N. Ben Hadj-Alouane, J. K. Chaar, and A. W. Naylor. “The design and implementation of the control and integration software of a flexible manufacturing system,” inThe First Int. Conf. Systems Integration, April 23–26, 1990.
3. N. Ben Hadj-Alouane, J. K. Chaar, A. W. Naylor, and R. A. Volz, “Material handling systems as software components: An implementation,” technical report RSD-TR-10-88, Robot Systems Division—The University of Michigan, May 1988.
4. G. Booch,Software Components with Ada: Structures, Tools, and Subsystems, Menlo Park CA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1987.
5. G. Bruno, “Using Ada for discrete event simulation,”Software Practice and Experience, 14(7) pp. 685–695, July 1984.